
103.2 台灣濃縮生藥細粒製劑之源流與展望


The Past and Future about Extract Granule Decoction Powders in Taiwan
瞿瑞瑩1, 3 陳麒方2, 3 高尚德3, 4*
1 馬偕紀念醫院,台北,台灣
2 台北天心中醫,台北,台灣
3 台灣中醫臨床醫學會,台灣
4 中國醫藥大學,台中,台灣
Jui-Yin CHU1, 3, Chi-Fang CHEN2, 3, and Shang-Te KAO3, 4*
1Dept. of Chinese Medicine, MacKay Memorial Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan
2Ten Shin Traditional Medicine Hospital, Taipei / Taichung, Taiwan
3Taiwan Clinical Chinese Medicine Association, Taiwan
4China Medical University, Taichung, Taiwan
In this article, we discuss the past and current status of the concentrated extract granule decoction crude drug powders (scientific Chinese medication) commonly used in Taiwan, from the prospect of traditional Chinese medicine in the context of East Asian medical history. We hope to learn from the past to understand the development and future of medicine.
Extract Granule Decoction Powders, Taiwan, Chinese Medicine