
102.3 顯微血管減壓手術後併發顏面神經麻痺之針灸治療病例報告
顯微血管減壓手術後併發顏面神經麻痺之針灸治療病例報告The Treatment of Acupuncture for Facial Nerve Paralysis after Microvascular
Decompression Surgery-A Case Report
劉佳霖1 卓雨青1*
1 台北市立聯合醫院陽明院區中醫科,台北,台灣
66 歲女性患者,因左側顏面神經痙攣日益嚴重而進行顯微血管減壓手術,術後約一周開始突然出現顏面神經麻痺,持續性的左臉頰麻頓無力感,伴隨高頻耳鳴(左甚)、左耳聽力明顯下降、左耳道抽痛感及頭痛(左甚),經神經科建議針灸治療。針灸治療採用平補平瀉法,選用循行抵達頭面部病位的手足陽明、少陽經,取陽明經穴道頰車、下關,少陽經穴道率谷、聽會、瞳子髎、翳風、絲竹空來改善顏面神經麻痺的問題,取百會以調理氣機來處理肌表之邪,經外奇穴太陽處理頭痛的問題,同時取用頭面部的局部穴地倉、頰車、下關、承漿、聽會、翳風來做治療,並於針灸治療兩次後左臉麻頓感和左耳耳鳴的狀況逐步減輕,此病例在針灸治療後幫助患者重獲生活品質,可以提供病患在進行顯微血管減壓手術後出現顏面神經麻痺之治療選擇方式。
【關鍵詞】面肌痙攣、MVD 手術、顯微血管減壓手術、顏面神經麻痺、遲發性面癱
Chia-Lin Liu1 Yu-Ching Cho1*
1Taipei City Hospital, Yangming Branch, Taipei, Taiwan
This is a 66-year-old female patient underwent microvascular decompression surgery for facial nerve spasm. Facial nerve paralysis began about a week after the operation, persistent numbness and weakness in the left cheek, accompanied by high-frequency tinnitus (especially left) and significant hearing loss in the left ear. Acupuncture was recommended by the neurology department, we used the acupoints of the meridian of the Yang Ming and Shao Yang. After two acupuncture treatments, the numbness in the left face and the tinnitus in the left ear were gradually relieved. In this case, the acupuncture treatment helped the patient regain the quality of life, and it can provide another option for the patient with facial palsy after microvascular decompression surgery.
facial palsy, facial paralysis, microvascular decompression, MVD surgery, delayed facial palsy