
Patients with atrial fibrillation combined use traditional Chinese medicine and Western
medicine can reduce thromboembolism
郭品均1 楊鈞皓1 劉夢薇1 吳秉富1 林舜穀1*
1 臺北市立聯合醫院仁愛院區中醫科
內科醫師會開抗凝血藥物 Warfarin 給心房顫動的病人,以降低血栓形成與中風危險,過去有少量病例報告指出人參、丹參、當歸可能會跟 Warfarin有交互作用,干擾抗凝血功能,或是增加出血風險。最新的統合分析臨床試驗論文告訴我們,Warfarin 合併中藥讓預防血栓栓塞的效果更好,且不會增加異常出血的風險。Warfarin 與活血化瘀中藥合併使用當然需要小心,但也不需要因噎廢食,找合格的中醫師看診,遵照正確的醫囑服藥,才是保護自己最好的方法。
Pin-Jun Guo1Jun-Hao Yang1Meng-Wei Liu1Bing-Fu Wu1Shun-Ku Lin1*
1Department of Chinese Medicine, Taipei City Hospital, RenAi Branch . Department of
Health, Taipei City Government
Physicians prescribed anticoagulant warfarin to patients with atrial fibrillation to reduce the risk of thrombosis and stroke. Few cases reported that ginseng, Salvia miltiorrhiza, and Angelica Sinensis might interact with Warfarin, interfere with anticoagulant function, or increase the risk of bleeding. The latest metaanalysis of clinical trials papers shows that Warfarin combined with traditional Chinese medicine could be a better choice of prevention of thromboembolism, and does not increase the risk of abnormal bleeding. We caution that the side effects of Warfarin and traditional Chinese medicine need to be combined carefully. It is safe and effective to be used by trained Chinese medicine practitioners.
Warfarin, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Salvia, Ginseng,Anticoagulant