
Coprescription Pattern of Xiao-Chai-Hu-Tang and Traditional Chinese Medicine Formulae in Taiwan: A Nationwide Population-Based Study.
謝旭東1 黃羽羚1 陳美如1 吳宿真2 王映雪3 林舜穀1*
1 台北市立聯合醫院仁愛區中醫科,台北,台灣
2 台北市立聯合醫院仁愛區藥劑科,台北,台灣
3 台北市立聯合醫院仁愛區護理科,台北,台灣
方法:本研究採用橫斷式分析法,分析臺灣1997-2012 共16 年的全民健康保險資料庫,由全國的中醫師處方資料中找出小柴胡湯及其合併方,除了找出最常用的合併處方外,也分析常用合方之使用頻率、每次開立的平均天數、劑量,以及與小柴胡湯相對劑量關係。
結果:本研究發現小柴胡湯合方在台灣非常常見,在所有小柴胡湯處方中僅有1.2% 使用小柴胡湯單方,過去典籍中時常提到的柴胡桂枝湯(13.9%)、大柴胡湯(10.9%)、柴陷湯(7.7%)、柴平煎(1.5%)、柴苓湯(1.1%)仍是主要的合併模式,但也逐漸發展出併用川芎茶調散、香砂六君子湯、麻杏甘石湯、辛夷清肺湯、麥門冬湯等新處方模式;相反的中國大陸常使用的當歸芍藥散、四物散等配伍在台灣卻仍未大量使用。
Hsu-Tung Hsieh1 Yu-Ling Huang1 Mei-Ru Chen1 Su-Jhen Wu2
Ying-Xue Wang3 Shun-Ku Lin1*
1Department of Chinese Medicine, Taipei City Hospital, RenAi Branch . Department of Health,
Taipei City Government
2Department of Pharmacy, Taipei City Hospital, RenAi Branch . Department of Health, Taipei
City Government
3Department of Nursing, Taipei City Hospital, RenAi Branch . Department of Health, Taipei
City Government
The combined use of prescription has been a great clinical challenge in Traditional Chinese Medicine clinical practice; practitioners is limited to a given order only prescribe concentrated herb powder by National Health Insurance in Taiwan. Such situation led to a different traditional Chinese medicine prescribing patterns in Taiwan. In the prescription system, realizing the combined proportion and dosage of medications becomes imperative. Xiao-Chai-Hu-Tang was
combined use with a lot of formulae. This study used a cross-sectional analysis to explore the total of 16 years prescription data of health care database in Taiwan,and we aim to find the most popular merging parties, an average number of days each time, dose, and dose relationship with the Xiao-Chai-Hu-Tang.
The study found that Xiao-Chai-Hu-Tang combined use is very common in Taiwan, only 1.2% prescription using only Xiao-Chai-Hu-Tang, and chai Hu-Gui-Zhi-Tang(13.9%), Da-Chai-Hu-Tang(10.9%), Chai-Xian-Tang(7.7%),chai-ping-tang(1.5%), Chai-Ling-Tang(1.1%)were the main way of merger