
202.7 Clozapine 引起過度流涎中西醫病機與治療的文獻回顧


Clozapine 引起過度流涎中西醫病機與治療的文獻回顧
Pathophysiology and Treatment of Clozapine Induced Hypersalivation by
Chinese Medicine and Western Medicine
馮瀞儀1 黃怡嘉2*
1 高雄榮民總醫院臺南分院傳統醫學科,台南,台灣
2 三軍總醫院中醫部,台北,台灣
Clozapine 是第二代抗精神病藥物, 主要用於治療思覺失調症(Schizophrenia)。對於頑固型或其他抗精神病藥物無效時為最佳用藥。但是它的過度流涎副作用容易造成患者不適及可能引發吸入性肺炎,因而使用上受到限制。西醫認為Clozapine 使用所導致的過度流涎,與增加口水分泌或減少吞嚥反射有關。依上述理論,目前雖然有一些抗膽鹼藥物或交感神經活化劑被用來改善此副作用,但療效仍未獲得大規模的臨床試驗來證實。因此這個副作用還未有最佳改善方法。
Ching-Yi Feng1 Yi-Chia Huang2*
1Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Kaohsiung Veterans General Hospital Tainan
Branch, Tainan, Taiwan
2Department of Chinese Medicine, Tri-Service General Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan
Clozapine is one of the second-generation antipsychotics (SGA) for schizophrenia. However, the use of Clozapine is limited due to the side effect of hypersalivation, which may result in aspiration pneumonia. In Western medicine, Clozapine induced hypersalivation is considered to be related to increase in saliva output or decrease in swallow reflex. Although some anticholinergic agents or alpha 2 agonists were applied to the treatment, there are currently insufficient data to confidently validate this clinical practice.
In Chinese medicine, saliva is one of the “five humors”. Production of fluid and humor in the human body is related to the “five viscera”. Moreover, hypersalivation is mainly related to spleen, stomach, and kidney. As we think Clozapine is a bitter and cold drug, use of Clozapine causes “stomach cold and spleen heat pattern”, and “kidney deficiency pattern” if case of long-term use. For Clozapine-using patients, the solution lies in the use of traditional Chinese medicine as adjuvant therapy. At first, treatment policy include warming the stomach, directing qi downward and enriching spleen yin; then we can add drugs to tonify the kidney if need be. If dampness-heat is noted, we can treat the patient
under the principle of “draining dampness and clearing heat”, as well as “warming the middle and resolving phlegm”.
Keywords:Clozapine, Hypersalivation, Chinese medicine treatment